“But on the third day he will rise again” (Luke 18:33 NLT).


Jesus told His disciples that they were going up to Jerusalem where the prophecies concerning His death and resurrection would be fulfilled. He had told them this on many occasions, but now the time was near. Yet, His disciples didn’t seem to understand.
Jesus had spoken of this not only to His disciples, but even to those who rejected Him. When they asked for a sign to prove He was the Messiah, the only sign He offered them was the “sign of Jonah” (Matt. 12:39), who was in the belly of the fish for three days. When they asked for a sign of His authority, He told them, “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days” (John 2:19).
And then the day came when they turned Him over to the Romans, mocked Him, beat Him, and crucified Him, just as He said. Yet, three days later, an angel told the women visiting His tomb, “He is not here; he has risen, just as He said” (Matt. 28:6).
Who is this man who predicted the very manner of His death and kept His promise to conquer sin, death, and the grave? He is Jesus the Christ and He has risen just as He said!
PRAYER: Dear Father, thank You for Jesus! His victory over death has become our victory. For we have received Him and believed in Him as our Lord and Savior. He is risen just as He said! In Jesus’ name, amen.