“But Barnabas took him and brought him to the apostles.” (Acts 9:27 NKJV).


After Saul became a follower of Jesus at Damascus, he returned to Jerusalem. There he sought to meet with the apostles, but they were afraid and didn’t believe he had changed. But one of the disciples named Barnabas, whose name means “Son of Encouragement,” vouched for Saul and presented him to the apostles, so they accepted him.
What a great friend to have! Someone to mediate for you and put his own name on the line for you, so that you can have a second chance at life. How like Jesus was this Barnabas, who reconciled Paul and the apostles to one another. Paul had been a ringleader of the early persecution of the church, even the stoning of Stephen, the first Christian martyr. Yet, now he was accepted as one of the disciples of Jesus. Surely it was the voice of the Spirit of Christ that spoke through Barnabas that the apostles so quickly forgave and accepted Paul. O that more of us would be a Barnabas, a peacemaker for Jesus!
PRAYER: Dear Father, we thank You for Jesus who is our Mediator. For He is the One who brought us to You. He is our Waymaker and peace, so that we are no longer far from You, but brought near. Now fill us afresh today with Your Spirit, so that we carry Your message of reconciliation to those far from You in this world. Strengthen us for the work. In Jesus’ name, amen.