“At the command of the Lord they remained encamped, and at the command of the Lord they journeyed” (Numbers 9:23 NKJV)

From the time the tabernacle was set up, the presence of God came to rest upon it, appearing as a cloud by day and fire by night. Whenever the cloud lifted, the Israelites broke camp and followed. When it rested, they rested. When it moved, they did likewise. In this way, God taught them to depend on Him for daily direction. God was raising up a people for Himself. The Israelites had left Egypt as grumbling slaves, but in the wilderness they grew into an obedient army of God’s servants. Their time in the desert was preparation. They could not enter the Promised Land until they learned obedience and grew in faith. When God leads us into wilderness experiences, do not question His will. Learn to follow. The desert places can serve to teach us dependence on God alone. The school of suffering is for our sanctification, making us more like Jesus when we learn to “remain encamped” or travel at the Lord’s command.