“As I watched, the Lamb broke the first of the seven seals on the scroll. Then I heard one of the four living beings say with a voice like thunder, “Come!” (Revelation 6:1 NLT)

In Revelation 6, John saw Christ the Lamb open six of the seven seals. The first four seals revealed the four horsemen of the apocalypse. The word “apocalypse” comes from the Greek and literally means, “to unveil, to reveal.” Thus, the title of the book, the “Revelation of Jesus Christ.” The identity of the four horsemen is a matter of much debate. But understanding that the best way to interpret Scripture is by Scripture, a careful comparison of Christ’s description of the last days in Matthew 24 with Revelation 6 is helpful. The first rider has a crown, a bow and rides a white horse. This represents religious deception, those that come claiming to be Christ, deceiving many (Matt. 24:5). The second rider comes with a sword and riding a red horse. This represents the increase of wars in the earth (Matt. 24:6-7 “wars and rumors of wars”). The third rider comes carrying scales and riding a black horse. This represents famine (Matt. 24:7). And the fourth rider comes on a pale (Greek, “chloros” – pale green) horse and represents disease and pestilence (Matt. 24:7). When will these four horsemen appear? I believe they were released when Christ ascended and have roamed the earth in ever-increasing ways ever since. Yet, we should not be afraid, for Christ the Lamb has revealed this to us, so that we would love His appearing.