“Around midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening” (Acts 16:25 NLT)

Have you ever found yourself stretched to the point of breaking because of difficult circumstances? We recently returned from a mission trip to Uganda. After a 37 hour trip from the States we landed in Rwanda to catch a bus to the Ugandan border. Unfortunately, the driver took us to the wrong crossing. This resulted in an additional 7 hours of travel over terrible roads and scary moments at the border. Our team maintained its morale, we did plenty of praying, but I wouldn’t say there was a whole lot of singing going on. This situation certainly doesn’t compare to Paul and Silas being beaten with rods and thrown in jail. But any difficult circumstance can reveal what’s really inside of us. When Paul and Silas faced this trial they prayed and sang hymns, and the prison doors flew open, and the jailer and his family got saved. Our gospel witness to others is often at its best when our situation is at its worst. Remember, the “other prisoners are listening.”