“And you, O tower of the flock, hill of the daughter of Zion, to you shall it come, the former dominion shall come, kingship for the daughter of Jerusalem” (Micah 4:8 ESV)

Micah prophesied that “kingship” would come to a “hill” where stood the “tower of the flock.” This prophecy points to the birth of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. In the Hebrew, the phrase “tower of the flock” is “Migdal Edar.” It described both a tower and a place. It would have been a two-story stone watchtower that the shepherds used to keep watch over their flocks. And “Migdal Edar” also described a place near Bethlehem on the road to Jerusalem (Gen.35:19-21). The tower would have been on a “hill” to enlarge the shepherd’s view from the top story. The bottom story was used as a stable for newborn lambs. The shepherds of Bethlehem were known for raising sacrificial lambs to sell to the Temple in Jerusalem. It was to these shepherds at “Migdal Edar” that Micah prophesied the Messiah, the Lamb of God, would come. And so He did.