Paradox: Following the Contrarian Wisdom of God

Paradox is defined as a seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement or proposition that when investigated or explained may prove to be well founded or true. As we study God’s Word, we often find these sorts of paradoxical statements that challenge our thinking and our way of life. Over the next few weeks we’ll be looking at biblical wisdom that goes contrary to the wisdom of the world, yet is the only truly wise way to live.

Serve to Lead

June 18, 2017 | Luke 22:24-27 | leadership, paradox, service

Leadership in the Kingdom of God is a call to service. In the book of Luke, Jesus taught his disciples that the true path to greatness in the kingdom of heaven was to follow His example of servant leadership. Jesus calls each of us to be servant leaders as He was.

Bow Down to be Lifted Up

June 4, 2017 | James 4:6-10 | humility, submission

Are you “up” or “down” today? If you are feeling down today, guess what? God wants to teach you how to give that to Him today. He wants to show you how that actually puts you in a better position to hear from Him and get some things in order with Him. If you’re feeling up today, great! But is it based on circumstance or is it because God has lifted you up by His power? The paradoxical truth is this: In order to be at peace with God–– to experience His salvation and grace–– we must “bow down to be lifted up!” In God’s economy, we descend to greatness! In the book of James, he taught his hearers that God lifts up those that humble themselves before Him. We can experience how God lifts up those who humble themselves before Him.