Financial Freedom

Our financial and spiritual condition are linked. How we manage our finances says a lot about what we believe, and about whom we trust. In this series, we will discover how to manage our finances according to God’s plan so we can be free to fully commit ourselves to him and his purpose for our lives.

Free to Fully Follow Jesus

January 29, 2017 | Luke 5:1-11 | finances, financial freedom, vocation

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Do you want to be free from financial worry and stress? Why do we want to be financially free? Will it lessen our anxiety? Yes. Will it reduce our stress? Yes. But life has a way of causing us to have worry and stress anyway. Following biblical principles for financial freedom will help, but it won’t solve all of your problems. Nor is it a method of becoming wealthy for the sake of your own comfort and pleasure. God doesn’t want us to be a slave to the lender. He wants us to be free to serve the Lord. In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus called Peter to follow Him, turning all that he was and all that he had over Christ. Peter obeyed and followed Christ. We can turn all that we are and all that we have over to Christ and be set free to fully follow Him.

Get Free of Debt

January 22, 2017 | 2 Kings 4:1-7 | debt, finances

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Americans are awash in credit card and consumer debt! We are tempted by ads like, “Buy now, pay later.” Or “Now you can own anything, any time, anywhere!” Do you feel overwhelmed and trapped by debt? Maybe even a little ashamed? The truth is that your financial condition says a lot about your spiritual condition. There is a way out. God wants you to be debt free, so that you are free to be what He has called you to be.

Know Your Financial Condition

January 15, 2017 | Luke 15:11-24 | debt, finances

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Jesus told a parable that illustrates how our spiritual condition and our finances are linked. We know this story as the parable of the Prodigal Son. This parable is often taught to warn us against rebellious living or illustrate the love of the Heavenly Father and both of those applications are correct and useful. But in this sermon, we look at this story from a different angle and see that it gives us both a warning and a proper perspective on how to handle money. Here’s a man who learned lessons on financial freedom the hard way.