43 results found

Grace-filled Generosity

February 7, 2016 | 2 Corinthians 8:1-7 | generosity

Do you want to break out of the meaningless cycle of materialism? Or do you feel like you have nothing to be generous with? As we look at how the grace of God caused a chain reaction in the churches of Macedonia that overflowed into a wealth of generosity, we can respond to God’s grace by offering our whole lives back to him.

Displaying the selfless generosity of God

February 5, 2016 | Christ, generosity, generous, give, God, grace, jesus

“We want you to know, brothers, about the grace of God that has been given among the churches of Macedonia, for in a severe test of affliction, their abundance of joy and their extreme poverty have overflowed in a wealth of generosity” (2 Corinthians 8:1-2 ESV). “I do not believe one can settle how much we ought to give.

Do you have a generosity plan for 2016?

January 1, 2016 | blessing, generosity, generous, gift, giving, God, jesus

“He who has a generous eye will be blessed” (Proverbs 22:9 NKJV). What does it mean to have a “generous eye?” The Hebrew word translated “generous” might also be translated as “bountiful, merciful, or good.” A generous eye is a good eye. When I played Little League baseball as a kid, and stood fast at bat on a bad

Do you know the grace of generosity?

December 18, 2015 | christmas, church, generosity, gift, giving, God, jesus, sacrifice

“You know the generous grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that by his poverty he could make you rich” (2 Corinthians 8:9 NLT). “Generosity is what keeps the things we own from owning us” (Anonymous). Many of us begin thinking and planning what

Contribute to God’s Kingdom

October 18, 2015 | Matthew 20:25-28 | discipleship, generosity, three commitments

In the book of Matthew, the mother of James and John asked Jesus for seats of authority for her sons on either side of Jesus. Jesus told her and all the disciples that following Him was not a call to be great in the way the world sees things. He said that the greatness they were called to was called servanthood. He told them to follow His example of service by being willing to contribute all that they had in serving God. Jesus gives us the same charge to be servants and contribute to His Kingdom. In today’s message we will see in God’s Word three commitments in order to contribute to His Kingdom.

The Habit of Selfless Service

October 26, 2014 | John 17:2-17 | discipleship, generosity

In this conclusion to our 7 Habits of Growing Christians sermon series, Pastor Jonathan Combs helps us understand why and how to build the habit of selfless service in our lives. Christ gave us the perfect example of selfless service, and it is through his power that we can serve others in this way.

The Habit of Graceful Giving

October 12, 2014 | 2 Corinthians 8-9 | discipleship, generosity

Pastor Gary Combs continues the sermon series “The Seven Habits of Growing Christians” with this message from 1 Corinthians 8-9 about the habit of graceful giving. In Paul’s letter to the church at Corinth he them to grow and excel in the “grace of giving.” He wanted them to grow in the habit of graceful giving. We can grow in the habit of graceful giving. It is one of the habits that helps us to grow up in our salvation becoming more like the greatest giver of all, Jesus Christ.

Fish symbols and generosity

October 9, 2014 | Christ, Gary Combs, generosity, giving, God, grace, jesus

“You will be glorifying God through your generous gifts. For your generosity to them will prove that you are obedient to the Good News of Christ” (2 Cor. 9:13 NLT). Some years ago I had a conversation with my son about his job at the car wash… “How did work go today?” I asked. “Fine.” He

Kingdoms Need Servants

August 31, 2014 | Matthew 20:25-28 | generosity, three commitments

In this conclusion to our “Simplify Your Life”, Mike Laramee helps us understand what it looks like to make an impact in the Kingdom of God – we must be humble, available, and faithful.

Are You Growing in Generosity, Serving and Giving?

May 25, 2014 | 2 Corinthians 9:6-15 | discipleship, generosity

Justin Norden continues our series, “Diagnosing Your Spiritual Health”, by helping us diagnose whether we are growing in generosity. Christian generosity is about more than money. We must trust God to supply our needs, be good stewards of God’s resources and then respond to Christ’s sacrifice for us by being generous on all occasions and growing in him.