2 Kings

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Fix You

March 7, 2021 | 2 Kings 20:1-7

This week, we’re inspired by the song, “Fix You,” by Coldplay.

Have you ever seen someone that you love going through such a difficult situation that you wished you could just fix them? Maybe they lost a loved one and were in deep despair and grief. You wish you could fix their pain? Perhaps they are struggling with an addiction and you wish you could take away their habit? Or maybe it’s you? Maybe you’ve had tears streaming down your face and wish somebody could fix what’s broken and hurting in you?

There was a man in the Old Testament named Hezekiah, he was the king of Judah, his city of Jerusalem was being besieged by an Assyrian army as he lay sick on his bed from a terminal disease. He had tears streaming down his face in sorrow. He needed someone to fix him.

From Now On

February 28, 2021 | 2 Kings 5:1-19

This week, we’re inspired by the song, “From Now On,” from the movie, The Greatest Showman.

Have you ever made that kind of statement: “From now on… I’ll start spending my time with my family.” “From now on… I’ll stop losing my temper.” “From now on… I’ll stop drinking or drugging.” “From now on… I’ll start living for God and praying more.” “From now on…” How’s that working out? Do you find that you need help to make such a commitment? Do you see the need for God’s help in order to make real life change?

In today’s sermon, we’re going to look at a story about a man who was the general of the Syrian army, a great man and highly favored by his king. He had everything a man could want, but one thing he lacked… his health. He had leprosy. Yet, he encountered the living God in Israel and made the commitment: “From now on… I will only serve the LORD.”

Get Free of Debt

January 22, 2017 | 2 Kings 4:1-7 | debt, finances

Americans are awash in credit card and consumer debt! We are tempted by ads like, “Buy now, pay later.” Or “Now you can own anything, any time, anywhere!” Do you feel overwhelmed and trapped by debt? Maybe even a little ashamed? The truth is that your financial condition says a lot about your spiritual condition. There is a way out. God wants you to be debt free, so that you are free to be what He has called you to be.

Cut Debt Out of Your Diet

January 17, 2010 | 2 Kings 4:1-7 | finances

Pastor Gary Combs continues the Financial Fitness series by speaking about how to handle debt in our lives.